Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I was going to write a comment on someone elses blog who wrote on this but i felt like elaborating on mine instead. I agree having 2 tattoos does not always get you good looks with the adults. I don't know about you but from your blog it seems like you are happy with your tattoos and if thats the case thats all that should matter. Tattoos are something you do for you or maybe to honor someone else but never to please other people. Atleast in my opinion. My tattoos mean the world to me and remind me of my friends, family, and my faith. The one on my back is a cross and a verse I got with my bestfriend. Not only is it a bond with him but the verse reminds me of who I aspire to be. On my left arm is an ambigram of the words Loyalty and Betrayal. It also is a theme of one of my favorite verses constantly reminding me to be loyal to my faith and God. So yeah society is changing and yeah we are different from the adults generation but that does not deserve ridicule or bad looks. So for everyone who thinks they are trashy I would challenge you to keep an open mind towards them until you atleast know what they represent. Howeever I will admit many people out there have trashy trashy tattoos and have unfortunately giving tattoos a bad name. So please keep an open mind but if not just remember your bad looks don't bother us but actually remind us why we got them in the first place, to be unique and proud of what you stand for.

1 comment:

Mustang11 said...

I agree that tattoo's can be very meaningful and important to the people who have them. The only problem i have with tattoo's are those people who get tattoos of religious verses and sayings but don't live by the words that are inked in their skin. One of my friends has a tattoo of a cross and bible verse as well, but he fails to live by the verse he says he bases his life around. It is almost worse when you know what you are doing is wrong, but still do it anyways. The only person you are making look bad is yourself but saying one thing and doing another. The tattoo is not going to impress anyone if your word are different from your actions. On the other hand, my Young Life leader in high school had a cross on his calf with the words "It is finished" inked under the cross. I have no problem with this tattoo because he devotes his every day life to walk with Christ, and the tattoo is a reminder of what he believes in. He is currently doing missionary work in Australia, which is what he believes he is called to do. My only peice of advice with those people who have a tattoo of a religious verse is to live by what you know and believe in.