Thursday, April 24, 2008

Problems with Forming Sentences

This is not the first time I have heard of this issue. My dad is CEO of Fox Sports Grill and constantly tells me how he has to correct what his employees bring him. He hires them for an impressive resume but does not get the skills to go with it. Basic writing skills have been lost now that there are computers to do the work for you. Spelling has turned to spell check and grammatical issues are pointed out consistantly. This is not a bad thing until people solely rely on this. Some of the examples in the article were ridiculous. Those people should not have a job especially one where they have to write. I feel that all of the rhetoric classes I have gone through have been strenuous and difficult. However when I ask my parents what they did they say it was nothing like mine. So maybe thats the problem. Maybe these issues brought up in this article are referring to an older generation who maybe did not do as much rhetoric in school. Colleges are the hardest they have been to get in so maybe this competitiveness will provide a better education. I'm not saying the previous generation is inept of a good education just proposing a possible reason. Short concise sentences are all that is needed. There is no need to throw in big words just to sound educated. Your work will prove your education not using big words when they are not needed. As college students we forget this because we have been so brainwashed into thinking that big words mean a big grade. We must remind ourselves that this is not the case so that we do not face similar problems as in this article. Rhetoric is important, even if you are a business major.

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