Claim: Don't settle for a career you are not passionate about when there are plenty of things you are passioante about in the world.
Reason: You will have more success if you are passionate about it.
Evidence: Studies show that people do better when they have passion for that thing.
Reason: You will feel that you are working twice as hard if you are not passionate about it.
Evidence: the old saying time flies when your having fun is true. If you enjoy what you are doing it will not seem like work.
Reason: You will be overall more happy if added stress from work is not present.
Evidence: No actual evidence yet I just know this to be true for myself
Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Love on TV
I realize I am writing a lot about TV but being home for break gave me a lot of time to watch. I'm sure someone has written on the following topic but I would like to write regardless. It seems like every other station you flip to their is some sort of reality TV show. I'm not going to sit here and say they are bad because I enjoy most of them. I am going to sit here and say they are not fooling anyone. Besides most of them being scripted, nobody believes these people are actually finding love. What are the odds that the network happened to pick the girl or guy you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with? I'm not good at math but they can't be good. I have never been on one of these shows but my best friends older brother has. After he was on it he explained that this so called reality TV show was more scripted than regular TV shows. The best example I can think of is The Bachelor. One guy and twenty five girls or so that the network picked for him to fall in love with. Call me old fashioned but I have a hard time believing one of those girls is the one he would have naturally fallen in love with. Maybe it's possible. The funniest thing to me is how at they end they are always torn between two girls they are in love with, but two months after the show they brake up. I dont want to be a downer on new forms of love just skeptical I guess. Like dating services, I dont have experience with them or know anyone who does so my opinion is strictly opinion. They might work great and I hope they do because so many people are looking for someone, I would just hate for people to be fooled into doing something that won't last. Maybe all of these things have to do with our high divorce rates or maybe its just the age we live in. I hope its possible and that I'm completely wrong for those peoples sake, I just had to state my opinion.
TV or the Bed?
Our society is clearly centered around the television to the point to where people plan their days around shows. This is not a particular problem until it consumes all that you do. I titled it TV or the Bed because I'm willing to bet that if someone could only afford one or the other some would go with the TV. This problem never really arises due to the fact that if you can afford a bed you can most likely afford a TV. This is more figurative than literal however it would be interesting to see. For example, I was home for a few days over spring break and saw some of this. Since I have been in college I have not had the time or the interest in watching much TV. In high school I had a strict schedule of shows I adhered too. Anyways back to home. I was out to dinner with my parents on Thursday night when all of the sudden I noticed they began to rush to get the bill to pay. At first I didn't think anything of it until I realized they had a show to catch. This is no where close to the extreme i used earlier but is still funny to see. TIVO is a perfect example of how much people need their shows. Twenty years ago TIVO would not have been near as succesful due to so much less television watching. TIVO is so succesful today that everyone of my friends has one inclding myself. People need there shows and TIVO gives them an excuse to obssess even more knowing there is no reason to miss. I am not criticizing anyone who watches a lot of TV rather just stating an observation i made over break. TV is prevalent and taking over its up to everyone who watches to decide if its a problem.
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